Our dedication to profession is your guarantee of success!

We have been present in the business of auditing since its inception in the Republic of Croatia.

We have been present in the business of auditing since its inception in the Republic of Croatia.

Together with our partners we provide all accounting services to numerous companies in Croatia.

Together with our partners we provide all accounting services to numerous companies in Croatia.

Whether you are investing, looking for a bank loan, or competing for grants, our professional and experienced project managers will provide your service.

Whether you are investing, looking for a bank loan, or competing for grants, our professional and experienced project managers will provide your service.

Company and asset valuation

Company and asset valuation

Loan recalculate CHF

Loan recalculate CHF

Our certified accounting and financial court experts will assist you when filing a lawsuit or advocating your case in court.

Our certified accounting and financial court experts will assist you when filing a lawsuit or advocating your case in court.

We are here for you!


Are you becoming an entrepreneur, is your business rapidly growing? Are you only thinking of becoming an entrepreneur? You may have uncertainties about which type of business to open: a craft, a private Ltd., or perhaps a public Ltd.? To enter the VAT-system or not? VAT charges upon payment? A CSO, a craft or a corporation? You believe you did not utilise all available support? We have answers to all those questions, and together we can determine the best solutions and legal forms for your business.

We are RKR d.o.o.


RKR Ltd. is a company with long-standing experience in the fields of auditing, accounting and finance. We have been present in the business of auditing since its inception in the Republic of Croatia in 1993. Starting as a small family-owned firm, we have grown into a company that provides highest-level service based on our experience and expertise, which is a further guarantee of our dedication and professional approach. In 2012 we became a member of PrimeGlobal.

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Karin Group
Why are we special

Karin Group

RKR Ltd. is a company with long-standing experience in the fields of auditing, accounting and finance. We have been present in the business of auditing since its inception in the Republic of Croatia in 1993. Starting as a small family-owned firm, we have grown into a company that provides highest-level service based on our experience and expertise, which is a further guarantee of our dedication and professional approach. In 2012 we became a member of PrimeGlobal.

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Our experience is your guarantee of success!
Why us?

Our experience is your guarantee of success!

We offer a wide spectrum of services among which audit, accounting, tax and business related consulting, developing investment plans, provision of court-related expert evidence, value assessments, due diligence, forensics, etc. Our team consists of certified auditors, internal auditors, court experts, investment consultants and accounting experts covering every sector and type of business, including civil society organisation and EU funds.

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Join our teams

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Trg Kralja P. Svačića 1, 47000 Karlovac
Email: rkr@rkr.hr
tel: +385 47 646 252
fax: +385 47 645 299


Trakošćanska 6, 10000 Zagreb
Email: rkr@rkr.hr
tel: +385 1 485 5394
fax: +385 1 485 5394